Monday, March 16, 2020

Behavior Contract Essays

Behavior Contract Essays Behavior Contract Essay Behavior Contract Essay Goal: Specific: Study for each class on a daily basis Measurable: Study between the hours of 5:30 p. M. To 10:30 p. M. Achievable: Maintain this pattern of studying for at least 4 hours 6 times a week Reward: Social Day: A school free day to do whatever I want to do at that time. Time-defined: every evening between the hours of 5:30 p. M. To 10:30 p. M. Monday Saturday State your final, completed goal statement: I will study Monday Saturday between the hours of 5:30 p. . -10:30 pm. My reward for this will be one free day to do whatever I want ND cannot be school related. Anticipated obstacles, barriers, or high-risk situations: Procrastination, work emergency, family emergency, and lack of discipline Strategies for overcoming obstacles, barriers, or high-risk situations: Stay focus and look at the bigger picture. Keep stating school is my number one priority. II. Behavior Change Contract: Goal: Study 6 days a week for 5 days. Pros/Benefits of changing: Better grades that will help with less stress about school Cons/Barriers of changing: Hard to find time, social distractions, family distractions, jazziness Stage _1_ of the theoretically model of behavior change that you are currently in: Processes and strategies: Identify 3 processes of change that correspond to the current stage you are in and list 2 specific behavior strategies you will use for each process. . Process: Awareness Strategies: 1) Recognize my goal on a daily basis 2) Organize my day accordingly 2. Process: Reward Strategies: 1) Better Grades 2) Finish school, less financial stress 3. Process: Helping Relationship Strategies: 1) Discuss my goal with family and friends 2) Tell my boss about my goal